Real-time data visualization is under development, data from additional sensors will be displayed here in the future.
Node 7
Seafloor camera (Node 7 Satellite)
Still image taken by the camera system updated each half hour. The camera monitors a piece of the seafloor with a bacterial mat (white area on the seafloor in the middle of the picture) due to release of methane from the seafloor, and marine organisms living nearby.
Echosounder (Node 7 main platform)
An echogram showing backscattering by fish, zooplankton and gas bubbles in the water column. The echosounder is mounted on the seafloor platform (main node) pointing upwards towards the ocean surface. The ocean surface is seen as a red line near the top of the echogram. The echosounder collects data continuously and provides information on many aspects of the marine ecosystem including monitoring fish migration to and from the Barents sea and the spring bloom of phytoplankton and zooplankton.